We use new media art in order to explore the consciousness of the self, our existence in the world and the different ways in which we fill existential voids.
We use new media art in order to explore the consciousness of the self, our existence in the world and the different ways in which we fill existential voids.
We use new media art in order to explore the consciousness of the self, our existence in the world and the different ways in which we fill existential voids.


MIL111 is an artistic duo founded by visual artists Iria del Bosque and Borja Bernárdez. Their work is situated in the field of new media art and reflects on the emotional and cognitive processes of the human being from a metaphysical evolutionary perspective. Through different formal proposals and the use of light, space and sound, they seek to reflect on the consciousness of being, its existence in the world and the multiple ways in which human beings fill existential voids.
MIL111 is an artistic duo founded by visual artists Iria del Bosque and Borja Bernárdez. Their work is situated in the field of new media art and reflects on the emotional and cognitive processes of the human being from a metaphysical evolutionary perspective. Through different formal proposals and the use of light, space and sound, they seek to reflect on the consciousness of being, its existence in the world and the multiple ways in which human beings fill existential voids.
Programa Kit Digital financiado por los Fondos Next
Generation del mecanismo de recuperación y resiliencia
Programa Kit Digital financiado por los Fondos Next
Generation del mecanismo de recuperación y resiliencia